Now you can get a license at to access the
collection of over 3500 ternary evaluations via the Internet. One evaluation
is derived from many literature references, sometimes these references
number more than 200. Specialist have reviewed the literature and offer you
not information but KNOWLEDGE! An example can illustrate this. If you look
in Gmelin for the eutectic temperature of the system Al-Fe-Si (Figure 1) you
will find 19 references and 9 values for the eutectic temperature. In the
MSIT Workplace (Figure 2) you will see E1 in the liquidus surface of the
system Al-Fe-Si,and if you click on it you see the table with one
temperature of 573 degree C. This is the evaluated value, and this value was
extracted not from 19 references, but ca. 270 references build the basis for
the description of the Al-Fe-Si system.

Figure 1: Screenshot of Gmelin using the
Commander user interface searching for Eutectic Temperature and Al, Fe, and

Figure 2: Screenshot of the system Al-Fe-Si in the online version of MSIT
MSIT Workplace consists of
(1) MSIT Connect, an interactive client
software to manipulate data and figures, (2) the Internet
communication part (Science Forum, with info channels for ongoing
research projects and (3) data,
diagrams, evaluation reports and citations from 1900 and ongoing.
new information relating to some 3500 systems (element combination) is
published, yearly. One of the main issues we hear from the heads of laboratories
is the tremendous effort to find data and phase diagrams dispersed over ca. 300
journals, many languages and decades in time.
if there were a way to get the exhaustive information of an element combination
by clicking on the element symbols in the periodic table?
Screenshots of MSIT Connect
might not have the man power to tackle research projects yourself. Outsource
your problems to our MSI Team. We do the project management involving those
academic coworker that are specialists in this problem area. We do research
projects since many years, and if you are interested in references, we are
pleased to provide these.
Please get in contact with AKos
Consulting & Solutions GmbH (AKosGmbH).