The largest
glass property database SciGlass 7.7 contains data for more than 360
thousand glass compositions including more than 16 thousand halide
and about 35 thousand chalcogenide glasses. It provides also
property predictions and calculations, help you solve R&D problems.
SciGlass 7.7 is packed with integrated features for speed, ease of
use, and flexibility.
SciGlass 7.7 Features
Practically all broadly used physical and chemical
properties of glasses and glass-forming melts with concise
but informative description of syntheses and measurement
procedures. |
360,293 glasses and melts, including more than 268,000 oxide
glasses and melts, 16,500 halide and 36,500 chalcogenide
The data were taken from more than 35,800 literature sources
including more than 15,700 patents. |
Property Calculations.
Over 100 computational methods to compute the properties in
15 groups (e.g., viscosity, density, mechanical, optical),
many of them in broad temperature ranges. Prediction of
properties of oxide, halide, and chalcogenide glasses is
possible in wide concentration ranges. |
Diagrams of Glass Formation.
More than 3,800 ternary diagrams of glass formation. |
More than 12,000 optical spectra (from UV to near IR) for
glasses and melts with 96 different ways to represent
spectra. |
Property Diagram.
Automatically generate isoproperty lines versus composition
and compare calculated and experimental property values for
ternary compositions. |
Statistical Analysis.
Find best computational method from least squares fit of
calculated and experimental values to insure best method can
be applied to your glass composition. |
and Trademark Index.
Over 15,000 international patents and 1,000 trademarks;
complete information on usage, country, company,
composition, property table, author, and TM symbol.
Explore hundreds of specialized subjects (e.g., diffusion of
specific gases & ions), which are difficult to find by other
ways. |
Chemical Durability of Glasses.
Pertinent data on about 32,000 glasses as well as access to
a large compendium on standard durability testing methods.
Optimization of Glass Compositions.
the most perspective glass compositions meeting a complex of
requirements on specific values of their properties
Free Demo Version.
You can try to use all functions of SciGlass, except for
user data input, with a small portion of data (~4500
glass compositions) for 30 days.
Try right now! |
SciGlass on the Web:
The Web version allows the basic functionality of the
SciGlass database by using your Web browser.
You can run queries for glasses and tables, view the author
and patent indexes, use SciGlass Calculator, etc. Free trial
is available right now! |
Now Windows 7 compatible:
The latest version of SciGlass is compatible with MS Windows
7 SP1 32bit.
Click on each screen for a larger view |
Sample Query

Data Presentation

2D Plots

Property Calculation
