The most used chemical drawing package.
Here a few highlights of ISIS/Draw
ConSystant can convert a file or files in a single directory from one format to another using a single command.
Chemeleon converts the structures automatically on the clipboard making it possible to "cut&paste" among different programs from different vendors.
Convert structures to names with Autonom
Calculate logP - see CompuDrug
Calculate pKa - see CompuDrug
Calculate logD - see CompuDrug
Calculate H1 and C13 NMR - see ACD/Labs http://www.acdlabs.com/products/glob_sol_lab/isis_integration/i_draw.htmlv
Have you ever had "non-chemists" draw structures? The result can be sobering, not with ISIS/Draw
display molecular weight and chemical formula
ISIS/Draw warns if you draw wrong valences, overlapping atoms, too short bonds, separated fragments, and much more.
For academia and personal use you can download a free copy from MDL® ISIS/Draw.