Consulting & Solutions GmbH
a chemoinformatics company


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AKos GmbH changed its status as reseller for Accelrys,and is responsible only for customers that Accelrys and AKos GmbH will mutually agree upon.

Accelrys Software

Accelrys Notebook (ELN)

iLAbber (ELN)

Pipline Pilot

Discovery Studio

Material Studio

Isentris and ISIS, Accelrys Draw


Some of the information is from earlier Symyx offerings, and not everything is up-to-date. These pages don't repeat the information that is available on the Accelrys homepage. We add special information that is either very new, or we find it especially relevant.

Please visit www.accelrys.com for detailed information.


Up Draw Materials Studio IPE isentris Assay Explorer Cheshire SN6