Welcome at AKos GmbH
We have one of the largest collection of screening compounds and
building blocks. You can choose from <30 million compounds in
AKosSamples. If you don't find your
compound, we provide custom synthesis. Our service helps our customers to
get their chemicals not always faster, but with much less effort. We do the
communication for you with our worldwide suppliers, we make sure your orders
are fulfilled in the promised time.
We also provide you with a
search software iScienceSearch.
This application goes way beyond searching AKosSamples. It is the best
tool for chemists and biologist to search the Internet for any kind of
chemical and biological information. With our peptide editor Proteax we
enable you for the first time to search and analyze structure-modified
peptides with 3-letter-codes.
AKos GmbH is your vendor
for chemoinformatics software from
Scilligence, BioChemFusion,
CompuDrug, And SciGlass from EPAM.
AKem Consulting provides programming for chemoinformatics projects.